How to Write an Awesome Small Business “About Us” Page

Tristan Tilma
3 min readJan 24, 2016


Have you ever clicked on a small business’s “About Us” page, only to find vague, outdated, or jargon-filled information– or even the dreaded “coming soon”? If so, you’ll know what a turn-off these pages can be. But an “About Us” page is a vital marketing tool for generating small businesses leads, and we’re here to take your “About Us” page from “blah” to “brilliant,” by tring these tips:

1. Identify your audience

Is your small business geared towards the general public, towards a specific segment like moms or teenagers, or towards specialists in your field? Identifying who will visit your “About Us” page will help you determine the sort of content your visitors would expect, and the best writing style to reach them.

2. Identify your core strengths

What makes your small business stand out from its competitors? Even the most generic small business has some unique quality. So ask yourself:

  • Is your business family owned?
  • Is your product niche unique?
  • Is the quality of your goods exceptional?
  • Does your business have a long history in the community?
  • Do you have a strong personal story or mission to share?
  • Do you have award winning customer service?

An awesome “About Us” page for your small business will clearly indicate what you do best and why customers should choose you.

3. Be concise and factual

Try hard to avoid adjectives like “outstanding” and buzzwords like “dynamic.” Think like a journalist. Tell your website visitors:

  • WHO you are
  • WHAT goods or services you provide
  • WHEN your small business operates
  • WHERE your small business is located
  • WHY they should make further contact with you.

Keep it brief, but informative. Use specific examples; instead of saying “our customer service is outstanding,” write that “we respond to customer feedback within 24 hours.”

4. Use good photos

These might include photos of you, your team, and/or your products. Don’t use free stock photos– show your prospective customers exactly who and what they’ll be dealing with. You are what makes your small business unique! If you haven’t done so already, invest in high-quality business photos.

5. Link to important content

If you’ve done a good job with writing your “About Us” page, your visitors will want to learn more. Be sure that the page includes:

  • Contact information for your small business so that clients can easily get in touch with further questions.
  • Internal links to important pages on your website that go into more depth about the topics you briefly cover on the “About Us” page.

For samples of exceptional “About Us” pages, check out the newest submissions at Best About Pages. And don’t forget– in order to be a valuable marketing tool, you need to keep your “About Us” page up to date.

With a little time invested, your customers and visitors will have no doubt about what you’re all about.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! We’d love to hear from you…what do you think makes a great “About Us” page? Please leave a comment below to let us know! :)

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Originally published at



Tristan Tilma

Owner @bmprospecting | BizDev & Marketing Shared Services | @UCBerkeley Rhetoric Grad | “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” ~Emmerson