Roxanne Henkle
Small Business Forum
1 min readJun 5, 2017


I agree that working in a field is hard work. I worked picking corn, cherries, (a top of a sketchy ladder) apples for a farmer. I have delivered newspapers by hand, in all kinds of weather. Those were hard jobs. I studied so that I did not need to work out in all the weather.

But, I will disagree that working in doors is not hard work. Add the element of a harassing boss, (sexual harrassment or insecurity, pettiness, etc.) low pay, family stresses, (divorce, caregiving, etc.) very difficult clients, extreme demanding deadlines. All of a sudden that coding, sales, art direction job becomes a hard job. Over the years I had heard, “that must be a fun job.” I would answer, “it can be.” But with the items added that fun job, can be emotionally, and intellectually and terrifyingly draining. I have had a boss where, being intelligent was a detriment. He was very insecure and would lash out. I was told, “not to take it personally.” Time and time again. Having a job that forces many people to deal with very difficult circumstances in order to put food on the table will make most jobs hard.

Thank you the dialogue.



Roxanne Henkle
Small Business Forum

Although not a household name, “Roxanne” could be synonymous with virtual and local research assistance. Spazhouse, Intuitive Research