Am I alone? I do hope not!

Is it just me or is anyone else sh*t scared to put their start up out there?

Suzie Larcombe
Small Business Forum


I’m not known. I haven’t made a million (yet). Well I probably have…but only when I add up all my income over a very, very long period of time ;). But I’m a freelancer who’s built up a tidy business. I’m now trying to scale that business. That’s what both my mentors have been telling me I’ve got to do for years . So I’m doing it.

I’m spending every spare hour when I’m not ‘doing the day job’ developing a scalable model that’s based on 10 years of hands-on, sleeves rolled up, blood, sweat and tears direct business experience and more than double that studying what I need to know.

I’m reaching out on Medium for the first time, warily and timidly because I don’t feel worthy. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want you to feel sorry for me or anything. No. I don’t do pity. Pity sucks. But I want to put my story on Medium because I bet there are loads of others like me, yet I feel that what I have to say isn’t important enough. That said, I was really inspired by Medium this morning when I noticed that “Write a story” prompt — so I am.

I follow Jon Westenberg with a passion on Medium and I’ve had the great opportunity of working with Myk Pono. Both of these guys have red hot minds and energy. I attempt to apply some of the stuff they write about and I seem to get there some of the time, but not all the time. Are you the same?

I never thought I’d have it — but I’m going through a huge I Can/I Can’t dilemma — eeek

Have you gone out and validated your business model to more than 40 potential buyers or introducers that you trust, listened to what they had to say, tweaked your idea accordingly and yet still feel uncertain? Maybe I’m not alone. Maybe this Boot Camp idea that I’m launching isn’t in fact my BIG IDEA. Maybe my big idea is still to come. Or maybe it is. My intelligent self tells me it can definitely work and can lead to other things that’ll work too, but my emotional self keeps pushing me into a corner of doubt.

The good news is that even if this isn’t my big idea, at least I know how to get the next one off the ground quicker, cheaper and easier ;)

To cut a long story short. My idea’s been a long time in the making. I’ve now perfected it with all the stuff that everyone’s told me to do. Everyone is sick of hearing about it. Even my web guy (who I’ve dubbed my CTO to keep him on side) has had enough of me. It has to go out there. It has to get launched. I need to reach out to folks that don’t know me and take the rejection that might come. But I’m hesitating. I don’t know why, but I am. Have you been through this? Are you going through this right now? Please reach out and share your story with me. I’m teetering on the edge and I don’t know whether to jump or to retreat to my safe place…

Please leave comments and (if there is one) click the little green heart to help me reach out even further. Thank you sooooo much.



Suzie Larcombe
Small Business Forum - helping solopreneurs & small business owners build stronger, better businesses