The Hunger Within

Bodie Czeladka
Small Business Forum
2 min readNov 20, 2016

I have a hunger inside of me, an insatiable thirst for something I cannot yet define. I know it’s a part of me, however, I cannot help but feel it lives externally of me. At times it keeps me up late and takes of my energy, other times bouncing me from slumber rejuvenated with excitement.

As I come across others on their journey, I often wonder if they too live with hunger. Secretly questioning whether they are consciously aware of their inner passenger? Do they see it as part of them or an external entity, at times a burdening pressure and weight of expectation? Or the alternative, a motivating driver, an in-built procrastination poison?

As I grow, strive, evolve and learn so too does my hunger, to ensure I can never surpass or conquer its reign. I envy the quiet minds of those who live for simple things and find contentment in the quietness of their satisfying entity.

I often wonder if my hunger is secretly having conversations with my subconscious mind, to serve up my conscious actions in this world? I wish I knew, alas my hunger keeps me too busy, too attentive, too forward-focused to notice. Some would fret, not I. Like a sibling my hunger and I have grown up together, trust has formed. He leads I follow it is the way it is, it is the way it has always been.

Although we have this unspoken bond, I often wonder how much my hunger knows of this journey we share…If he keeps it from me, that which he so insatiably pursues. Is he too a blind servant to his own ominous companion? Never the less I will serve my hunger, for my hunger serves me. In the hopes that one day he will whisper his why, so that I may have mine.



Bodie Czeladka
Small Business Forum

Director of all things wonderful at Dilate Digital in Perth Western Australia. I believe the best of me is still hiding up my sleeve.