The most bollocks interview question ever…where would you like to be in 5 years?

Liz Ward
Small Business Forum
2 min readNov 24, 2016

We all know it. It’s a famous interview question. But in my opinion. It’s the most bollocks you will spout in a job interview.

Do you really want the job?

You will say what you think the smug interviewer with their list of questions wants to hear.

What you might really want to say is… “In 5 years I would LIKE to be carefree [sitting on a desert island somewhere / spending time with family / running my own business / retired / on maternity leave*- delete as appropriate] and preferably not working. And especially not working for you!”

But you are not going to say that. Because you are in a job interview. You are there to convince them that you are going to be a loyal, long term employee worth employing and keeping. You believe you need the job and you’ll say what is necessary to get it.

Now here’s why it’s bollocks… It’s bollocks because you have to lie.

See, we are conditioned to put our dreams (the things we’d really LIKE to do) into a box somewhere and not talk about them. That’s a real shame.

To get through life we often do what we think we should do…what we think other people want us to do…and our dreams of what we would really like to be doing stay in the box.

If we were to write our real dream down and look at it every day, it would be interesting to see what happens. I believe you get what you focus on. If you focus on someone else’s dream for you, it’s likely your real dream will never happen.

Now. Where would you really like to be in 5 years?

Originally published at



Liz Ward
Small Business Forum

Liz Ward is Founder and Coach at Slick Pivot. Helping pivot businesses and careers for more happiness and growth.