Trevor Lane Hart
1 min readNov 3, 2015

Today, I read an article about Forever 21 and how their clothes are made. You probably know this industry for having such cheap clothes, but did you know that these clothes are made by slaves in another country?

First of all, I want to talk about ethics. Ethics are the branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. Forever 21 is not ethical as they stand for something wrong, laboring. The fact that they stand for this shows that as well. Having a business practice such as this proves that you have no intentions to care for others whatsoever.

In my own opinion, I believe you can still buy clothes from them as you are entitled to your own opinion, but personally, I will probably never buy clothes from them ever again. I realize it is hard to deny such prices, but if you stand for what is right, then you will deny it.

Let’s say I was a Taiwanese boy who was paid $2 and hour, held in captivity, no bathroom breaks for 2 1/2 years just to see clothes for us. It would feel awful being in that position, wouldn’t it? And isn’t hard to believe that forever 21 only pays them $2 an hour?! This shows why other countries may think bad of America, but I hope they know, that there are still good people in this world.

-Trevor Hart (The Delta School)

Trevor Lane Hart

Hi, my name is Trevor Hart and I am 13 years old. Here on Medium, I hope to blog about things I learn here at The Delta School and basically life at times.