Why Your Job Candidate “Ghosted” You

Brian Wallace
Small Business Forum


The act of ‘ghosting’ is when the person with whom you were having a relationship with suddenly withdraws from communication. This evenly applies to the job market. Reflections of poor behavior can cause employees to ghost you. For example, candidates may arrange a job interview and then never show up. Some even accept jobs only to not appear on their first scheduled day of work, or decide against formally quitting by simply never showing back up.

As of current, 1 in 3 American workers are seeking a change in employment- even the fast-food industry is struggling to retain steady, loyal employees. Even more concerning, 1 in 4 employees left their job in 2018. 77% of that turnover was preventable by employers. Turnovers cost employers $600 billion last year, and turnover is expected to rise $80 million by 2020. The key to the improved retention treasure chest is providing benefits.

There are a wide-range of affordable, and respectable, benefits to offer employees. This could be financial, developmental, or cultural. By 2021, wellness programs will be universal as companies are increasingly investing in their employees. The infographic below outlines tips on improving employee retention, as well as benefits to offer as incentive.



Brian Wallace
Small Business Forum

Founder of NowSourcing. Contributor to Hackernoon, Google Small Business Advisor, Podcaster, infographics expert.