What kind of business do you want to build?

Neville Chamberlain
The Solopreneur Handbook


I’ve been on a “lifestyle business” track for a while now, and one of the questions I get from dreamers — people who are considering building their own business — is what kind of business they can build.

First, it’s important to understand that a lifestyle business is nothing more than a business you own designed to support the kind of life you want to lead. There are no limits on size or revenue. The “lifestyle” part of the name simply says that you’re going to consider how business decisions will impact your lifestyle before making the final decision.

But the kind of business you choose to build will fundamentally impact your lifestyle. Some businesses will require that you spend a lot of time developing technology systems; others will require you to spend most of your time delivering services to your clients.

There are literally thousands of businesses you can build to create the lifestyle you want. These businesses can be divided into four (or five) main categories, and within those categories you can design three different kinds of products or services to make it easier to create the lifestyle you want.

Here’s how this works.

Four (or five) kinds of business



Neville Chamberlain
The Solopreneur Handbook

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