#10 Commandments on Twitter

Learn the Twitter Language, Listen and Call.

Kunal Anand
Small Business Marketing


Twitter is a medium which should be used by everybody especially from the field of marketing. Every human being being social, tends to use at least two to three social media accounts thus the attention span has got limited to 140 characters.
If you can say it in 140 characters, you get the attention of your audience, otherwise you will be Skipped. If you are able to pitch yourself in those 140 characters you may get another user to follow you, otherwise your tweet will get lost in the millions of others.

  1. Keep It Simple: You need to stick to 140 Characters to explain, so keep it simple. Adding shortened link (Use Google Link Shortener) for the video, image, infographic, blog, etc. is a very good method to extend your audience.

2. Wit Has a Lot of Weight: As the native language is small packets, it will tend to be more effective if it has a punch in it. Witty lines or tweets with puns are shared more frequently than simple sentences.

3. Update Your Profile: Your profile is your degree on twitter, and make sure that it is visible and clear to the world. It should have link about what you do, clearly state your interests and content should be attractive to your target audience. At present twitter allows 160 characters in the bio.
Keep updating it frequently, also tweet about it to your followers.
Also your Cover is really important segment, so select something which defines your creative side.

4. Choose Your Name Correctly: It is not necessary that you use your original name as your Twitter Handle. Twitter gives you the option of being creative, your twitter handle is going to be used while replying to you, so a long twitter handle is going to limit the text in the tweets.

Your twitter handle could be your Name, or simply define the Persona for your tweets. If you want to be creative, you can use this nifty tool called Sphinxo, you can spin different handles.

5. Regularity of Tweets: Make sure that you have a steady flow of tweets from your account, in order to handle the flow of tweets you could use something like HuiteSoot which lets you handle multiple twitter handles from one portal. A steady flow lets your followers know that you are active on Twitter.

6. Don’t Mix Twitter With Facebook: On twitter unless and until you are protecting your tweets, all you say is public. Anybody can view your tweets, reply to you, they are indexed by Twitter as well as Google. So be careful about what you say and keep things you want to keep private private by using Direct Messages rather than tweets.

7. Learn How To Use #HashTags: A hashtag is a word starting with “#”, and usually is used to signify the context of the content. Newbies on Twitter tend to overuse hashtags, by tagging each word in the tweet.

#Using #Hashtags #On #EveryWord #Is #NotTheCorrect #Method

The trending topics on the left of your Twitter Home, gives an idea of which hashtags are trending on twitter. You can use these trends to modify your tweets to get a larger audience.

8. Use Trends: Trends on twitter change from minute to minute, the trend panel has a lot to explore. You can watch what is trending in different segments of the World, Your Country or Even Your Region. Use different trend results to audit your tweets and get a larger audience for yourself.

9. Purpose + Passion = Strategy: If you are reading this post then it definitely means you are not an Average Joe who wants to use Twitter. You are here with some Purpose and in need of a strategy, so you need to decide before you commence with your tweets.

Brands use Twitter for building a Brand Message or Leads. Bloggers use twitter to share their articles and ideas, and let their followers know what they are writing about. Some users user twitter for instant updates on news, celebrities, current affairs, and research. People tend to connect easily to Brands, Celebrities and Market leaders so they prefer twitter over other social media.

Building a strategy around the nature of your target audience is vital. Passion is always necessary to build a strong following, reply to people, touch your audience by initiating conversations and be friendly.

10. Link with Other Social Accounts: Being Social is all about being connected, and the best way to show your connections is by linking your Social Media Accounts together. Prefer sharing your Twitter Accounts on Facebook, Medium, Pinterest, Instagram and other Social Media Networks.

This will let your followers connect with you on different portals and cross pollination of followers also means increase of followers on better pace.

Bonus Commandment for E-Commerce: Twitter is great place to handle your Customer Care requests and after sales queries. Connect with the consumers who have already bought from your store and ask for their reviews through mail or custom panel. For each positive review which you ask the customer to share straight through the review system, your followers will get to know about the Positive Buzz that you are generating on the Social Media.

Always keep your ears open for conversations about you on twitter, use the search functionality for Tags, Words or Phrases related to your brand and connect to those who are tweeting about you. This generates leads for you as well as creates a loyal following amongst your consumers.


So these are the #10 Commandments to using Twitter.

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Kunal Anand
Small Business Marketing

Product Manager @Uber | ex-BrowserStack | ISB| Soccer | Movies | Cooking | Humour | Web | Branding