Small Business MBA

Corporate Culture

The Foundation for Small Business Success

David Daniel
Small Business MBA
Published in
6 min readJan 23, 2024


Corporate Culture in Small Business — The Foundation for Success
Corporate Culture in Small Business — The Foundation for Success [Source: David Daniel]

Defining Corporate Culture: The Basic Building Blocks

Corporate culture is the fingerprint of a business, unique in its composition and crucial in its impact. It is made up of a series of core elements:

  1. Vision and Mission: A clear vision statement defines what the company aspires to be, while a mission statement outlines the company’s purpose and primary objectives. These serve as the north star for all strategic decisions and actions.
  2. Values: The principles and ideals that guide employee behavior and company decisions. They’re the moral compass of the organization, shaping everyday interactions and strategic choices alike.
  3. Norms and Expectations: The unwritten rules of conduct within a company that guide how employees work together and manage business operations. These norms often grow organically from the company’s values.
  4. Symbols and Language: Specific jargon, logos, rituals, and narratives that become associated with the company. They act as quick references for the values and ethos of the business.
  5. Practices and Policies: Concrete actions, procedures, and regulations that embody the company’s…



David Daniel
Small Business MBA

Small Business Mentor | 8(a) SDVOSB | GovCon | Startup | NGO | Strategy | Business Development | Former: EDS, IBM, PwC | Managing Partner: