Santa’s an Entrepreneur, too

A Christmas poem about the perks of automation

The Small Business Playground
3 min readDec 5, 2016


by Ellis Friedman

‘Twas the night before Christmas and I should have relaxed
But my business was humming and my mind was still taxed.
The stockings were hung, the presents put in place
But the light from my smartphone cast a glow on my face.

I’d slept not a wink in my hours abed
As visions of unanswered emails danced in my head.
So I opened up Gmail — I know that it’s Christmas
But there’s no time to stop when you own your own business.

Just as I hit send on my twentieth reply,
A clatter from below amped my heart rate up high.
I sprang from my bed to the closed bedroom door
And flinched as my coveted phone hit the floor.

Snatching it up I made my way down the stair
And saw our Christmas tree sparkling and fair.
When what to my email-strained eyes did appear
But that mythical Santa in his holiday gear.

He held in his hand a glowing new iPhone
And before I could speak, began to intone:
“Well hello there, Alex, I see you’re awake,
I really thought on Christmas you’d take a nice break.”

“I can’t,” I replied, admittedly distraught,
“Even on Christmas Eve my products were bought.
I have to reply to emails I’ve amassed
Or my small business just might not last.

“Our salesmen treat CRM with nonchalance,
And our marketing emails get no response.
If only the emails could go out on their own,
And how ready someone is to buy could be shown.”

And then old St. Nick gave a hearty chuckle
And unlocked his iPhone with a tap of the knuckle.
“Haven’t you heard of Infusionsoft my lad?
It does what you want and more, I might add.

“You need automation, of your emails and more,
You can even keep track of a contact’s lead score.
It manages your contacts and keeps track of your leads,
It’s everything entrepreneurs like you and me need.”

“Santa uses Infusionsoft?” I asked all agog.
“Of course!” He exclaimed. “Preparing for Christmas is a slog!
I automate my lists, for nice and for naughty —
If my follow-up was manual I’d surely go dotty!

“I was going to give you an Xbox this year
But I think Infusionsoft will bring you more cheer.
They’re waiting to hear from you, just give them a call,
They’ll help you through every step of the install.

“Next year your sales’ll be up and your lost leads’ll be down
And you’ll be asleep when I come around.”
“Thanks Santa,” I said, “This is great,
With Infusionsoft all of my woes will abate.”

With a wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
He was off, and I made my way back up to bed.
But from the window I saw, yes I caught a quick glance
Of Santa in his sleigh as he took off into the expanse.

I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
“Merry automated Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

This was originally published on the Infusionsoft Knowledge Center.

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The Small Business Playground

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