The Clash. White Man In Hammersmith Palais. Forty Years Old.

Kevin Acott
Small? Far Away.
Published in
1 min readJun 17, 2018

I know every word. I’ve always known every word. Even before I heard it, I knew every word. It’s alienation. It’s envy. It’s rage. It’s having a dig at Weller. It’s about being cool. It’s about being gloriously uncool. It’s about being white but wishing you weren’t. It’s about being white but fearing you’re not doing it properly. It’s about pride. It’s about equality. It’s about fifteen minutes long. It may be the best song ever written. It’s reggae. It’s not reggae. It’s my past. It’s walking down Ridge Avenue one snow-covered February. It’s Strummer hoping and hurting. It’s me wishing I was Simonon. It’s built on our hopes: yours and mine. It’s what I want playing in the old people’s home as the carers throw balls at me.

Next time I meet you I’ll sing it to you. Every word.

Originally published at on June 17, 2018.



Kevin Acott
Small? Far Away.

Londoner. Cheese eater. Whiskey drinker. Spurs sufferer. Poems, photos and other stuff at