Mews From Five Feline Farm

Introducing our first “mewsletter” on Terroir Life.

Julia Miller
Life On A Small Farm


Rainbow over the crib at Five Feline Farm viewed from the front of the Mercantile. Photo by D. Coonce

Hello from Five Feline Farm!

This newsletter (or “mewsletter”) is a new feature of our publication “Terroir Life” on Medium.

First, let me explain about “Terroir Life”. Terroir is the “flavor” of a place. Often used to describe the profile of fine wines, terroir is all about the essence of the land where the grapes are grown.

We are co-opting that concept. The essence of the land and the spirit of the property go into everything we do. Gardening, cooking, creating, and living.

You will experience the terroir of Five Feline Farm through Medium posts, visits to our website, and social media posts.

Although our primary focus is on food, we are also cat-centric. You probably guessed that by the name “Five Feline Farm”. No, we do not operate a cat rescue. The farm was named for the number of cats who first moved to the farm with us. At first, it was kind of a joke, but the name stuck and now we embrace it. Sometimes our friends simply call us “The Felines”.

We look forward to sharing our adventures with you.

Donna, Julia, and the Felines

Here are all the links to find us on the web:

Five Feline Farm






Julia Miller
Life On A Small Farm

Weaving a tapestry of life writing about food, family, and felines. Get a free recipe ebook at