Do One Thing Well 2022.

Hiut Denim Co
A Small Giant
Published in
12 min readDec 5, 2022

Some products, some services, some experiences are just right. It’s hard to know how to make them simpler, more beautiful or more useful. They bring together innovation, tradition, and great design, to make something that is truly special.

This annual list is put together to celebrate those who decide to ‘Do One Thing Well’, which it turns out is a rare thing. For us, it takes 75 different processes to make a pair of our jeans. And we only have to be world class at 75 of them. Eek.


Maeving Electric Motorcycles. Urban travel built in Britain.

The Sea. Wash away today for a better tomorrow.

12 days of Christmas. 12 categories shared.

See you again next year.

Our iconic newsletter.

Once a week we send out a newsletter. We call it Scrapbook Chronicles. We share the things, ideas and products that inspire us. It has become quite a thing. Hard to imagine, but people look forward to it.

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Hiut Denim Co
A Small Giant

Our town is making jeans again. Founders: @DavidHieatt & @ClareHieatt Do one thing well.