Put your name to something.

Hiut Denim Co
Year Book 1
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2016
Photo by Marcus Ginns

This is my Dad’s tool box. He was an electrician in the merchant navy. Lots of ship electricians weren’t that interesting in doing a good job. They could always blame shoddy work on the previous guy. But my dad was a perfectionist. And those ‘shirkers’ as he used to call them, drove him nuts. So one day, he started putting his initials on every job he would do. JBH for this. JBH for that.

It was a habit that he would never stop. It was his small way of telling the world, that he believed in doing something well. Even if others didn’t.

Likewise in the early days, all engineers at Apple would sign the inside of the Macintosh, even though no one could ever see it. Steve Jobs believed the engineers were artists, and therefore, all artists sign their work.

I had those stories in my mind when we started Hiut Denim Co. I told the GrandMasters that they were modern day artists. And accordingly, they would sign each pair we make.

Because Steve Jobs and my dad were right. All Artists sign their work.

The above was an excerpt from Hiut Denim Co. — YearBook 1. We only printed 2000. They have all sold out.

But you can get a free digital version of YearBook 1 when you sign up for our newsletter here.



Hiut Denim Co
Year Book 1

Our town is making jeans again. Founders: @DavidHieatt & @ClareHieatt Do one thing well.