Wonders of a Library

Swati Pareek
Small Little Things
2 min readNov 10, 2017

Library, a way of escaping the reality and sinking yourselves in the marvellous world where the possibilities are limitless.

Don’t most of us escape to the library to shun out the boring real world and enter a realm where we can be who we want. Library is far away from prejudiced society where people judge you based on your skin colour, your heritage, your ancestry. In a library you are not bound by the shackles of those parameters. There are no privileges given to you based on the place of your birth or no characteristics that define you in a certain set.

The cruelty of real world is evident in the fact that on one hand kids cry to sleep and on the other hand (read in privileged homes) food is thrown in big garbage chute.

In a library it will magically float and be given to the starving kids, or better there will be no starving kids.

In the bookish world on one hand we have terrifying dystopia, on the other we have an unimaginable utopia, possibilities are simply endless.

The crisp smell of a newly opened book, or the nostalgia brought by opening a century old book is an elixir for every book lover. The turning of pages, the fascination of coming across words that open a new learning dimension.

If writing is fire then reading is the fuel that keeps it burning.

And so I pray if ever I need to choose to spend my life in a shackled room I want it to be filled with endless books. If ever a genie asked me for a last wish I would say give me a cupboard with a bottomless supply of the magical world of books.

