40 Companies That Pay Writers

Get paid to hone your writing skills and expand your resume.

Small + Mighty
6 min readOct 19, 2021


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

The ability to effectively communicate through our writing is critical to nearly every profession. It’s also an empowering way to develop our identity and form meaningful connections with others who would otherwise remain unaware of our existence and experiences.

But honing this craft can be time-consuming and frustrating, whether you’re a seasoned professional or newbie. If you’re looking for a little extra motivation, check out this list of writing and editing opportunities that will add another byline to your resume and money in your account. You can view a full list of opportunities here. I started a list of Medium publications that accept publications as well (in progress). Note that most outlets are based in the U.S. For more opportunities and to research rates, check out Who Pays Writers. Suggested rates for editors are available at EFA. View suggested rates for freelance writers by Contentfly.

Career & Personal Finance

Barefoot Writer. Share tips for earning money and launching a career as a writer (400–900 words). Earn $100 to $300 for each publication.

Freelance Mom. Share actionable tips and advice related to freelancing and what you’ve learned through personal experiences as a mom and entrepreneur (900–1,500 words) and earn $75 to $100 for successful publications. Receive a bonus of $150 if your article is among the top shares.

Make a Living Writing. Pitch your ideas about the business and craft of freelance writing and earn $75 to $150 for successful publications.

Ruminate. Share a powerful personal essay, short memoir, or poem and potentially win $1,500.

Wow! Women on Writing. Share your experience and tips on writing and earn $50 to $75 for successful publications. Topic themes change each month so be sure to follow them on Twitter and Facebook to learn about upcoming opportunities.

Writer’s Digest. Tell others about your experience as a writer along with helpful advice (600–1,200 words) and earn $0.30 to $0.50 per word that is published.

WritersWeekly. Share marketing secrets or tips that you’ve learned as a writer and earn $60 for successful publications ($30 for reprints).

Creative Writing & Fiction

AGNI. Share a personal essay, memoir, think-piece, or poem and earn $20 to $40 (max $300) per printed page.

Asimov’s Science Fiction. Unleash your imagination and tell a story that takes place in a futuristic world (1,000–20,000 words) and earn between $0.08 and $0.10 for every word that is published.

Boulevard. Submit a poem (max 200 words) or fiction or non-fiction story (max 8,000 words) and earn $50 to $300 for successful publications.

Carve. Share a poem or humorous personal essay and earn $100 for successful publications.

Daily Science Fiction. Share a creative Sci-Fi story (100–1,500 words) or write a flash series and earn $0.08 per word that is published.

Flash Fiction. Submit a short fiction story (500–1000 words) and earn $80 for successful publications. Reprints garner $0.02 per word.

Narrative. Write a fictional or non-fictional short story or poem to earn $50 to $350 for successful publications. Compete for the annual Narrative Prize and you could earn $4,000 for your work.

One Story. Do you specialize in literary fiction? Submit your story (3,000–8,000) and earn $500 for successful publications.

SLICE. If you’re an emerging writer, SLICE wants to hear from you. Write a fictional or non-fictional story, personal essay, or poem and earn between $100 and $400 (max 5,000 words).

SmokeLong. Submit your flash narrative (up to 1,000 words) or teach others how to write a good flash narrative and earn $50 for your publication.

Story. Submit a flash fiction, short story, or long story and earn $10 per printed page.

The First Line. Submit your poem or fiction (300 to 5,000 words) or non-fiction (500–800 words) story and earn $5 to $50 for successful publications. Beginners are encouraged to submit.

Threepenny Review. Share a poem (max 100 lines), personal essay, critical review, or memoir and earn $200 to $400 for successful publications.

Family & Children

A Fine Parent. Share a personal essay, unique list of lessons learned, or solid research on parenting (1,500–3,000 words) and earn $75 for successful publications.

Guide. Write a non-fiction story (450–1,200 words) for readers between ages 10 and 14 and earn $0.07 to $0.10 per word that is published.

Food & Recipes

Nutri Inspector. Review products (1,000 words), share recipes, or write a how-to guide (2,000–4,000) and earn $60 to $180 for successful publications.

Workweek Lunch. Share your favorite meal-prep recipes and win a one-year subscription to WWL or $90 Amazon gift card.

Lifestyle & General Interest

Barrelhouse. Submit a book review (~8,000 words) and earn $50 for successful publications.

EatingWell. Pitch an idea about food and earn up to $1 a word if your article is accepted. If you’re just looking for a byline and exposure, you can submit a short article (150–500 words) about food trends, restaurants, nutrition, culture, and think pieces.

International Living. If you’re an expat, share your advice and travel tips for others who are looking to retire or travel abroad. Earn $100 for every 1,000 words that are published. You can also earn money for video footage ($75-$175 depending on length).

Introvert, Dear. Help others learn about introverts or highly sensitive persons by sharing your personal experience or research and earn $75 for successful publications.

Listverse. Create a list (10+) of things related to your favorite topics and earn $100 for successful publications.

Outside. Successfully publish a story about adventure sports, gear, travel, fitness, health, culture, or the environment and you could earn anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000.

Outpost. Help others plan their next adventure by sharing expert advice and your travel experiences (payment varies).

The Expeditioner. Submit your first-person narrative or informative advice for future travelers and earn $30 for successful publications.

Theme Park Tourist. Share your experience at a theme park and earn $50 for each successful publication (750–1,000 words). Articles that generate a lot of traffic may receive an addition $10 to $20.

Marketing & Business

Income Diary. Publish an interview with business experts or share your expertise on SEO, marketing, and entrepreneurship and earn up to $200 for successful publications.

iWorkwell. Share your subject expertise and earn $200 for successful publications.

RankPay. Share your expertise on SEO, social media, and content marketing and earn $50 for successful publications.

Data, Technology & Tutorials

Digital Ocean. Share an in-depth tutorial about an opensource technology and earn up to $400 for successful contributions. Digital Ocean will also make a matching contribution to tech-focused charity or nonprofit of your choice.

How Stuff Works. Help a general audience improve their understanding of a complex topic and earn $100 for successful publications.

Smashing Magazine. Provide detailed instructions on using a technology or share your experiences from a recent project along with lessons learned and you will be promptly paid upon publication (compensation unspecified).

The Pudding. Can you tell a story with data? Collaborate with the team at The Pudding and earn $7,000 for successful publications.

