Five tips for design agency leaders

Lucy Mann
Small Spark Theory®
3 min readAug 3, 2020

If you work in the design sector, you’ll be familiar with Deborah Dawton, Chief Executive of the Design Business Association. And even if you work in an alternative agency discipline, I’m certain that you’ll find what she had to say in episode 42 inspiring. We’re all feeling the strain of the uncertainty we’re living and working through, but Deborah’s pragmatism and energy are a call to arms for action.

Right at the beginning of lockdown, when most of us were scratching our heads and wondering what to do next, Deborah and her team at the DBA were springing into action. At speed they rallied together experts and thought leaders, providing a virtual space for discussion, advice and support throughout the community. On any given week, agencies (members and non-members alike) were invited to access free webinars that sought to make sense of the implication of the crisis as it was evolving, and offered guidance to help navigate a way forward.

Now as we head into August, new complications are looming; a global recession and a consumer context that is changed beyond recognition is challenging designers — and the wider creative community — in brand new ways. During our conversation, Deborah and I covered much ground, but here are five pointers that I wanted to extract, specifically, for design-focused members of our audience.

1. Make the most of the industry’s generosity of spirit

The design sector is made up of a special bunch of people. Hard-wired to see a crisis as a challenge to be overcome, designers are the problem solvers of the world. If you work in design, you’re likely collaborative by nature and you will understand that few trials can be overcome in isolation. Remember to apply this philosophy when it comes to your own business, too. Don’t isolate yourself and your agency’s problems. Reach out to colleagues, peers and mentors to explore solutions and be open to approaches from others too.

2. Always remember the value that the design sector delivers to business

If there’s one thing that can get business out of the mess Covid has left it in, it’s design. Remember that. While many client projects have been postponed or cancelled across the industry there will be just as many more (if not more) emerging.

3. Take note of the positives

Like many organisations, the pandemic forced the DBA to make decisions on ideas that had been circling for some time. While there was an initial period of paralysis for many of us, the crisis has forced us to reprioritise and move at speed. This is a positive thing. It might have felt a little rushed and unplanned, but have faith in the decisions you’ve made, congratulate yourself for taking action and carry that confidence forward to the future.

4. Get access to accurate, timely information

I loved Deborah’s advice to sunscribe to and read the Financial Times. In every edition of the FT, there are probably at least ten insights that could lead to new business opportunities. Similarly, there is almost always a high calibre story that will be of interest to a prospect or client, and will give you an opportunity to get in touch. Develop a curious mindset and you’ll be better placed to have strategic business conversations, rather than tactical project chats — and in many instances, before there’s a brief on the table. This applies to anyone working in the agency sector, not just design.

5. Trust your gut

There are always big problems to solve, it’s just that now there are more of them and they’re all impacting one another at once. It might feel overwhelming, but be bold and trust your own experience. Don’t be afraid to demonstrate your expertise, challenge, question and propose the solutions that you can see.

Listen to these tips — and much more — in full by tuning into the Small Spark Theory Podcast, Episode 42, A design industry perspective, with Deborah Dawton.

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Lucy Mann
Small Spark Theory®

New business planning & mentoring for creative & digital agencies. @DBAHQ Expert Advisor, creator of Small Spark Theory® podcast