How to find flexible resource to raise your agency profile

Lucy Mann
Small Spark Theory®
2 min readFeb 19, 2021

Small Spark Theory® Episode 49: Sarah Paterson

Sarah Paterson | CommsPeople

Many of the conversations I’ve been having with agencies over recent months have centred around marketing and new business resource.

This is good news. It shows that we are looking forward and taking positive action to create better, more sustainable agency marketing practices. In particular, the biggest shift I have seen is agencies recognising the need to prioritise profile building activity, and in turn realising that there is a gap in their existing team skillset to provide this.

Over the coming months on the podcast, I’m going to be focussing on the different ways we can look at building agency profiles and the varying shapes of resource available to help us do that.

To kick us off in this episode, I invited Sarah Paterson, co-founder of CommsPeople to join me in sharing the story of her lockdown start-up; providing flexible support from a talent pool of high calibre communications professionals.

This is an ideal solution for agencies with great ideas for connecting with prospects using relevant content, but find themselves too caught up in the day to business to make it happen. (If I had a pound for every agency owner I met who was sitting on genuinely insightful and valuable thinking which has never seen the light of day I would be rich indeed — not mentioning any names of course!)

If you need help defining your audience and content strategy then feel free to get in touch with me here or if you want to discuss a brief for support from the CommsPeople talent pool, you can reach Sarah here.

As always we are giving away a copy of Sarah’s recommended read: The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz — listen in and find out how to win.

The Hard Thing About Hard Things | Ben Horowitz

And of course, if you have a new business or marketing question for us, or a top tip to share, please get in touch.

Useful links:

2021 Freelance trends

How to manage freelancers




Lucy Mann
Small Spark Theory®

New business planning & mentoring for creative & digital agencies. @DBAHQ Expert Advisor, creator of Small Spark Theory® podcast