Alex Low | Digital Leadership Associates

How to leverage the power of LinkedIn for agency growth

Lucy Mann
Small Spark Theory®
2 min readApr 8, 2019


Small Spark Theory® Episode 27: Alex Low

“Whatever you do from here, even if you choose to ignore everything I’m about to tell you, please be good at LinkedIn.”

This is a phrase I have repeated many times during my engagements with agencies over the years, and one I stand by now more than ever.

LinkedIn has become an incredible tool to support new business, but in many cases, agencies are only just scratching the surface of how they can leverage the platform to expand and engage their networks, whilst showcasing expertise.

And since the introduction of Sales Navigator, I’ve been searching for a true ‘super-user’ to join me on the podcast and really get to grips with the functionality on offer. So it was fitting that through LinkedIn, I found the brilliant Alex Low, Head of Social Selling at Digital Leadership Associates.

Having spent many years working in property, recruitment, management consultancy and law, Alex now advises a wide range of professional services businesses, empowering fee earners, business development and marketing teams to leverage the power of their networks to drive better, more relevant business conversations through social.

So if you’ve been wondering how to get started with LinkedIn, or how to unlock the next level of network engagement — this episode is for you.

We’ll be giving away a copy of Alex’s recommended read: Technology vs. Humanity: The coming clash between man and machine by Gerd Leonhard just listen in to find out how to win.

Also recommended in this episode are:

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark

Salim Ismail on Exponential Organizations

For more information on how to make the most of LinkedIn you can see the full collection of Alex’s guides here.



Lucy Mann
Small Spark Theory®

New business planning & mentoring for creative & digital agencies. @DBAHQ Expert Advisor, creator of Small Spark Theory® podcast