Should your agency have a podcast?

Lucy Mann
Small Spark Theory®
2 min readSep 25, 2020
Isabelle Jarvis (Producer) and Lucy Mann (Host), Small Spark Theory

Small Spark Theory® Episode 44: Isabelle Jarvis

The podcasting juggernaut shows no sign of slowing. Four years ago, when we started planning the idea behind Small Spark Theory I thought we were too late to the party. Yet here we are now and with Apple estimating some 1 million active shows and over 30 million episodes on iTunes (double the figure in 2018), it would seem that audio content is still very much a thing.

The case for podcasts as entertainment makes perfect sense, but what about in a business context, and more specifically how does it fit into an agency new business and marketing plan? Is it just a shiny new thing? More noise? Or can it really deliver new business?

I noticed a number of new agency podcasts popping up this year so thought it might be time to explore if and how this channel can add value.

And who better to join me? Small Spark Theory’s very own producer and editor, Isabelle Jarvis. Izzy has been the driving force behind this podcast since its inception and has gone on to produce, edit and advise on a variety of other shows.

In this episode, we discuss the need for strategy (spoiler alert — it’s your ideas and content that are important, the podcast is simply a different channel to allow those ideas to live in another format), thoughts on formatting and make sense of the technical implications.

The recording, hosting and editing tech mentioned in this episode is as follows:

For any of you who have a great content idea which supports your proposition and marketing strategy, fancy your hand at podcasting but don’t know where to start, you can contact Izzy here.

If you enjoy this episode please subscribe and it you really, really want to make my day — why not leave a review on iTunes!



Lucy Mann
Small Spark Theory®

New business planning & mentoring for creative & digital agencies. @DBAHQ Expert Advisor, creator of Small Spark Theory® podcast