This Is How You Slow Down Time

Jeffrey Friend
Small Steps, Big Changes
2 min readNov 4, 2022

A guide to being in the moment (for busy people)

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“How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”

— Dr. Seuss

Just for today…

Choose to slow down time. Just one.

With three boys under 5 years old, and a job that demands 50–60 hours a week, time flies at warp speed for me.

My wife and I were literally talking this morning about how quickly the last five weeks have gone by since our third son was born.

From the moment I get off of work, I have the two older boys (2 and 4) until they go to sleep around 8 pm. Well, they go to bed at 8 pm and I’m lucky if they’re asleep by 9 pm.

There are about 10 trips to their room in that hour between 8 pm — 9 pm, filled with:

  • “Dada, rock me” (they’ve reverted to babies due to the newborn getting the attention)
  • “Dada, tuck me in” (for the third time)
  • “Dada…”
  • Yes?
  • “ummmm”
  • Yes?
  • “Can you read us another story?”

Sure, I’m most likely enabling this behavior but it’s frustrating and cute at the same time. Parents, you get me, right??

Anyway, in this — what seems like pure survival — mode every day, time flies because I’m mostly in my head.

  • I’m thinking about what I can get done after the boys go to sleep
  • I’m thinking about stresses at work
  • I’m thinking about what I can write about that would be meaningful to someone
  • I’m thinking about the future
  • I’m thinking about the past

Consider that time cannot fly when you’re grounded.

Grounded meaning in the present, rather than the past or future (i.e. rather than in your head)

When you’re grounded, seconds feel like seconds and minutes feel like minutes.

You have to be intentional with slowing down time. You have to make it a part of your daily practice. A daily habit.

If I don’t do the exercises laid out in the book below, at least once per day, weeks become months and I lament how fast the year is passing me by.

It’s a small daily habit that allows you to feel like you’re adding years to your life.

In Be With The Bacon (free download here), it takes you through a simple 2-step process that shows you how to slow down time.

Check it out.

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Jeffrey Friend
Small Steps, Big Changes

“Small Steps” guy | Father of 3 boys under 5 | Get your Daily Small Steps here =>