Why You Can’t Have Wealth Without Health

Jeffrey Friend
Small Steps, Big Changes
1 min readNov 5, 2022
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“The greatest wealth is health.”

— Virgil

Just for today…

Think about what Virgil, the Roman poet, said 2,000 years ago and why it has stood the test of time.

It’s pretty easy to think, “well yeah, if I’m sick or dead, it doesn’t matter how much money I have.”

But maybe it’s deeper than that.

  • Good health gives us more time on this planet (Time Wealth)
  • Good health keeps our minds sharp (Mental Wealth)
  • Good health keeps us in good spirits, improving our relationships (Social Wealth)
  • Sharp minds, great relationships and time are a winning combination for Financial Wealth

What’s great about today is you can decide to change your path if it’s not on a road to healthy living.

No need to go out and join a gym today.

Just take a moment to think about your health and how it might be impacting the other areas of wealth.

It’s awareness that creates the space for change.

From there you can think about where your health is now and where you want it to be.

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Jeffrey Friend
Small Steps, Big Changes

“Small Steps” guy | Father of 3 boys under 5 | Get your Daily Small Steps here => pages.SmallStepsBigChanges.com/dss-growth