10 Fool-Proof Steps To Get Your Family To Declutter The House

It’s almost like you hypnotized them!

Elspeth Raisbeck
Small Steps


Photo by Daniel K Cheung on Unsplash

I was out walking with a friend this week. She told me about her husband’s (large) family and his (elderly) parents’ home that’s full to the brim with stuff. The family’s stuff.

All this stuff needs clearing out, so the parents have decided the family must come and claim it.

And that made me think.

When you have a teen or young adult family at home, and all the clutter that goes with it, how do you stay on top of it?

There seem to be 3 options:

1. Train members of the family, as one would potty train a child or domesticate a spouse.

2. Have a regular decluttering session — say once a quarter, dependent on need.

3. Or — ‘all of the above’, which in the long run, might be the real-world choice.

The first option is a bit beyond the remit of this humble article, but here are some steps to consider for the second and third options.

1. Motivate the family to take responsibility for their clutter

OK, so let’s remind ourselves what clutter is, because someone is bound to protest that their…



Elspeth Raisbeck
Small Steps

Writer, creator, coach, clinical trainer, UK registered medical professional. We are all so many things - can descriptors and adjectives do us justice?