366 Positive Words to Help Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet

Create a more positive approach to life with these words

Roz Andrews
Small Steps


I have collected 366 positive words — one for every day of 2020.

Here are some ideas for using them to make 2020 your best year yet:

  • meditate on one word a day
  • be mindful of the day’s word as you go about your daily life
  • collect inspirational quotes containing each word
  • google each word to find more inspiration
  • write a blog post or record a video to encourage others to seek all these positive elements in their lives.

I hope each word represents a small step towards creating a more positive approach life in the new year — and the new decade.

1. Start

2. Excitement

3. Peace

4. Love

5. Powerful

6. Mindful

7. Strong

8. Motivation

9. Encouragement

10. Kindness

11. Empowerment

12. Resourceful

13. Meditative



Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of www.rawritersforhire.com and www.medium.com/small-steps, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.