4 Things You Should Start Doing to Save 100+ Hours Every Year

#3. Live by the two-minute rule …

Small Steps
4 min readApr 29, 2023


Photo by SHVETS production

Time is our most valuable resource, yet we often waste it on trivial tasks, distractions, and unnecessary activities.

The truth is, we all have the same 24 hours in a day, but it’s how we use them that determines our success and happiness.

If you want to save more than 100 hours every year, it’s essential to eliminate time-wasting habits and make your daily routine more efficient.

In this article, we’ll explore four things you should start doing in order to save precious time and become more productive.

These tips are easy to implement and will significantly impact your daily life.


#1 — Keep a time diary

One of the best ways to identify time-wasting habits is to keep a time diary.

This means tracking how you spend your time throughout the day for a week or two.

You may be surprised to learn how much time you spend on unproductive activities or things that don’t contribute to your goals.

To keep a time diary, simply jot down the tasks you’re working on and the time you spend on them.

You can use a notebook, a spreadsheet, or a time-tracking app to make this process easier.

At the end of the week, analyze your data and look for patterns.

Identify the activities that are consuming the most time and consider whether they’re truly necessary or if there’s a more efficient way to handle them.

By keeping a time diary, you’ll be more aware of where your time is going and can make informed decisions about what to cut from your schedule.

#2 — Remember that “perfect is the enemy of good.”

Perfectionism can be a significant roadblock to productivity.

When we obsess over making everything perfect, we often spend far more time on tasks than necessary.

The truth is, sometimes “good enough” is all that’s needed, and trying to achieve perfection can prevent you from moving on to more important tasks.

To overcome perfectionism, try setting time limits for tasks and remind yourself that being done is often better than perfect.

Additionally, learn to prioritize tasks based on their importance and the value they bring to your overall goals.

This will help you focus on the most critical tasks and avoid getting bogged down by insignificant details.

#3. Live by the two-minute rule.

The two-minute rule is a simple yet effective time management technique that can save you hours in the long run.

The concept is straightforward: if a task takes less than two minutes to complete, do it immediately instead of putting it off.

By following the two-minute rule, you’ll tackle small tasks as they arise, preventing them from piling up and consuming large chunks of time later on.

Moreover, completing these tasks immediately gives you a sense of accomplishment and motivates you to keep going.

#4 — Use visualizations to become more productive.

Visualizing your goals and the steps needed to achieve them can be a powerful tool for increasing productivity.

Visualization not only helps you stay focused, but it also primes your brain to find solutions and complete tasks more efficiently.

Create a vision board or mind map, or simply close your eyes and imagine the process of completing a task from start to finish.

Visualize the steps, the challenges you might face, and how you’ll overcome them.

By doing this, you’ll be mentally prepared to tackle the task and more likely to complete it in a timely manner.

To close

Saving 100+ hours every year might seem daunting, but it’s entirely achievable by making a few simple changes to your daily habits.

Keep a time diary to identify time-wasting activities, embrace the idea that “perfect is the enemy of the good,” live by the two-minute rule, and use visualizations to boost your productivity.

Remember, the key to success is consistency.

Implement these strategies individually, and you’ll soon notice a significant improvement in your time management skills and overall productivity.

Ultimately, the time you save can be invested in activities that truly matter to you, whether it’s spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, or working on personal development.

By cutting out unnecessary tasks and focusing on what’s essential, you’ll save time and improve your quality of life.

Don’t wait any longer — start implementing these strategies today, and watch as you reclaim those precious hours.

With dedication and mindfulness, you’ll be well on your way to a more productive, fulfilling life.



Small Steps

✨ I write about productivity + humans + writing.