4 Ways to Protect Your Mental Health in a Toxic Work Environment

Meenakshi Verma
Small Steps
Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2023


“15% of working-age adults were estimated to have a mental disorder in 2019 “— WHO

Image by publicdomainpictures from Pixabay

Someone misbehaved with you in the office. Colleagues are playing dirty politics, and are constantly trying to pull you down. Your promotion is delayed. You have zero motivation to go to the office. The work you once used to enjoy doesn’t interest you anymore. Sad reality but it exists. Have you ever evaluated if, per chance, your workplace has a toxic environment?

Do you feel your efforts never get appreciated at work?

Have you voiced your thoughts over a genuine concern multiple times, but still, nothing has changed?

Do you hear about the changes in your team through other teams and feel that there is a visible lack of transparency?

Is it normal for your managers to use a threatening tone in their regular conversations?

Does going into regular team meetings makes you feel anxious?

Are your promotions dependent on what impression others have of you instead of your actual performance?

Are 1-to-1s with your leaders more about your personality and less about your work?



Meenakshi Verma
Small Steps

Hi, I am Meenakshi. As lost in this world as someone could be, trying to find my true north. I write about mental health, fiction, relationships with others & w