5 Questions Guaranteed to Boost Your Happiness

Use these two-minute inquires to promote positive thinking every day

Caroline Schley
Small Steps


Photo by Hybrid on Unsplash

Recently, it seems like all the conversations I have with my friends follow a particular, disheartening type of formula:

Person 1: How’s your day going?

Person 2: Terrible. Have you read the news today? I heard (insert a piece of depressing information, macabre headline or apocalyptic-sounding rumor here)

Person 1: Sigh. I know. Things are really bad. Really, really bad.

Persons 1&2: Long stares into the distance.

Don’t get me wrong, these conversations are important. It’s valuable to stay well-informed and discuss current events. However, the compounding reality of dealing with a global pandemic, economic uncertainty and social unrest makes it difficult to remember the importance of focusing on the positive in our day-to-day lives.

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Questions to boost your happiness

The proliferation of adverse events in today’s world has real consequences on the average person’s brain chemistry. When…



Caroline Schley
Small Steps

YA author, avid reader. New York City born, currently living in Madrid. Personal essays, ex-pat life & self-improvement. Reach out @ www.carolineschley.com