6 Steps You Can Take Now to Improve Your Credit Score by 20 Points

Modern Money
Small Steps
Published in
8 min readNov 10, 2023


Have you maxed out your credit card or missed a payment? Do you have a lot of debt? Don’t worry; we have solutions.

It can be tempting to use credit cards to make more purchases than necessary. There are perks to using the right card, like an American Express, to get rewards! Photo by CardMapr.nl on Unsplash

We’ve all heard the saying, “Your credit score is your financial report card.” Well, it’s a pretty important report card. Unlike a school report card, your credit score can open doors to favorable interest rates on loans, better housing options, and even insurance. As someone who’s been on the credit rollercoaster, I understand its ups and downs.

If you’ve made a few mistakes with your credit, that’s okay! The great thing about these mistakes is they don’t last forever, even a bankruptcy filing only stays on your record for 7–10 years. The good news is there are ways to fix and prevent mistakes going forward.

And here’s a stark reality check: According to data released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Americans’ credit card debt levels have just surpassed $1 trillion for the first time ever, reminding us of the importance of managing our credit wisely.

What makes me qualified to give these tips? I have maintained an above 800 credit score for over 5 years and have been using credit cards since I was 18. I’ve made all sorts of mistakes related to credit for the 15+ years I’ve been using credit cards.



Modern Money
Small Steps

Accredited Investor. Business owner. Passion is helping people find their wealth. Former overachieving desk jockey writing about personal finance and work.