7 Steps to Becoming Your Own Health Advocate

Finding Your Voice in a World That Often Speaks Over You

Nathan Chen
Small Steps


Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

Look, we’ve all been there — sitting in that sterile, almost too clean doctor’s office, nervously picking at the paper on the exam table. Your palms are sweaty, and your heart is racing faster than a speeder on the Autobahn. It feels like you’re on trial, and the judge? A healthcare provider who seems to have all the answers — yet none that speak directly to you.

Sound familiar? Buckle up, because this emotional ride we’re about to go on is all about reclaiming that power and finding your voice.

Step 1: Start with Self-Awareness

Know Your Body

Before you can communicate your needs, you have to know what they are. Get in tune with your body. Trust me, it does talk, but sometimes we’re just too busy scrolling through our phones to listen.

Take a few minutes every day to check in. Are you feeling a little more tired than usual? Is that recurring backache sending you signals? Write it down and take it seriously. Your body is your lifelong partner; don’t take it for granted.

Step 2: Research Is Your BFF

Arm Yourself with Knowledge



Nathan Chen
Small Steps

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!