7 Steps to Fix Your Sleep Schedule for Good

Reclaim your nights and redefine your mornings with actionable insights that actually work

Nathan Chen
Small Steps


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Let’s be real. I’m writing this at 1 AM because, like many of you, my sleep schedule is less of a schedule and more of a loosely guided chaos. We’re all old enough to know that we need our beauty rest — but hell, sometimes it feels like life itself is conspiring to keep us awake. Between binge-watching shows that we swear we’re only going to watch one episode of, and the unending scroll of social media, sleep becomes that elusive dream (pun intended).

So, are you tired of being tired? I know I am. I’ve spent nights where I’m just lying in bed, pondering the complexities of the universe or whether I need to finally unfriend that guy on Facebook who still shares minion memes. Enough is enough; let’s cut the BS and get to the point.

Here’s how you can fix your sleep schedule and turn those restless nights into restful ones.

Step 1: Let’s Get Introspective

Don’t just think about sleeping better; feel it. What is it that’s truly keeping you awake? Stress from work? Your obsession with Netflix? Or perhaps an existential crisis about whether you’re living your best life?



Nathan Chen
Small Steps

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!