Are Rejections From Your Past Holding You Back?

It’s time to let them go

Sue Reid
Small Steps
Published in
6 min readOct 23, 2023


Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash

Our minds hold on to memories from times when we felt rejected.

Think back to your childhood. Around the ages of 1 to 8.

Focus on the word ‘rejection’ for a few minutes. What events spring to mind?

Often when we suffer rejection at a young age, the memory is still very clear years later.

Did you get a memory? I bet you did.

Can I tell you the one that haunts me the most?

Then I will help you release yours.

Miss Smith

I can clearly see Miss Smith today, standing close to me in the classroom with a handful of paintings. Did she already know it was me?

I have no recollection of what we had been painting. Somehow mine had gone horribly wrong. Maybe the paint had smudged or run, I can’t recall now, fifty-six years later.

We had put our paintings on the teacher’s desk as we went out for break time. When we came back, our primary school teacher, Miss Smith, was holding up one of the paintings that she stated was a ‘right mess.’

‘Who did this one?’ she asked with a smirk.



Sue Reid
Small Steps

I had to rebuild my self-confidence after a toxic marriage. Now, I coach and write about building confidence. Contact me at