Being Self-confident Is a Skill, Not an Innate Quality

Increase Your Self-Confidence with 4 Small Steps

Felicia O.
Small Steps


Man Wearing Eyeglasses
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.

To me, being self-confident is having full control of your life.

You are well aware of your abilities. Hence, you are confident with carving your path regardless of others’ opinions.

You trust in your capabilities to deal with life’s challenges. So, you view them as opportunities to learn and grow, instead of threats.

You have a stronger sense of self because you believe in your core values strongly. As a result, you are more resilient to criticism, and feel less threatened by obstacles.

Often, we think of confidence as being something that only the lucky few are born with.

But it’s not. It’s about believing in yourself and your ability to succeed.

And everyone can learn to believe and have confidence in themselves. Here’s are four small steps you can take that will help you become more self-confident.

1. Practice Positive Affirmations

This involves taking advantage of the brain’s neuroplasticity. Repeating positive affirmations will help to rewire your brain into believing those statements.



Felicia O.
Small Steps

Writer who focusses on finding happiness, fulfilment and purpose in life. -