Boost Your Productivity as a Business Owner

Make the Best Use of Your Time

Roz Andrews
Small Steps


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There are many demands on your time when you’re a busy business owner or freelancer.

You have to keep up with your client work, market your business, meet potential new clients, manage the business financially, as well as finding the time for many other tasks.

It goes without saying that you need to be as productive as possible to keep on top of all these demands.

Here are five small steps you can take to boost your productivity as a business owner.

1. Devote Some Time to Working on Your Business

Instead of spending most or all your time working for your clients, block off some time to work on your own business, preferably once a week but at least once a month. During this time, make sure that you won’t be distracted or interrupted.

If possible, go and work in a different place, so that people won’t know where to find you.

Although doing work for your clients is important, it’s even more important to work on moving your business forward, because clients can leave unexpectedly or change their requirements overnight.



Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of and, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.