Empower Yourself To Be Happy

Six Small Steps to Taking Responsibility for Your Happiness

Roz Andrews
Small Steps


Photo by Gian Cescon on Unsplash

Some people spend years waiting for their soul mate to come into their life.

They think they’ll be finally happy when they meet that special person who will instinctively know how to make them happy.

The bad news is that such a person doesn’t exist.

The good news is that you already know your soul mate — it is you.

Who Knows Exactly What Makes You Happy?

Who knows you better than you know yourself? Who knows exactly what makes you happy? You, of course!

Only you can make yourself happy.

Can Another Person Give You the Happiness You Crave?

Another person, whether it’s your boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, husband, wife, child, mother, father, friend or anyone else, won’t be able to give you the happiness you crave.

How can they?

They are not you. Even with the best will in the world, they can’t get inside your mind, heart and soul to find out exactly what makes you happy.

At best, they can only guess — and their best guess will be partly based on their own…



Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of www.rawritersforhire.com and www.medium.com/small-steps, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.