How I Reversed My Polarity

Switch from Negative to Positive Energy in Five Small Steps

Grant Von Pein
Small Steps


Photo by Amos from on Unsplash

Have you ever felt as though you were drowning in a pool of negative energy and didn’t quite know how to pull yourself out? Nothing you do seems to work out right and your patience is wearing thin.

You are not alone. I too have found myself in that very same pool being swept away by that negative current. Don’t worry, there is a way out.

Below is a super simple step-by-step guide that I have devised. Not only to help pull yourself out of that negative current but also to actually reverse your polarity and attract positive energy from the universe to live a happy life.

At least this is what worked for me. It worked so well that I just had to share it.

5 Small Steps for Switching from Negative to Positive Energy

Small Effort, Big Rewards

  1. The next time you see an unwanted critter in your bathtub (or anywhere else) no matter if it’s a spider, earwig, slug, etc., instead of emptying a full can of poison on it, throwing your shoe at it, or smashing it with toilet paper then flushing it down the toilet, try to somehow get it back outside. Remember, it doesn’t want to be there any more than you want…



Grant Von Pein
Small Steps

Born in Portland Oregon in 1970. Love the rain. I like taking pictures, playing guitar, and writing. I write all kinds of stuff, including music and poetry.