How to Improve Your Finances Today in 3 Easy Steps

Quick Ways to Keep More Money in Your Pocket

Roz Andrews
Small Steps


We’re living in uncertain times. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, financially or otherwise.

In this environment, dealing with your finances can seem overwhelming, but it’s important to make a start today, even if it’s just a small start.

Here are just three small steps you can take today to improve your finances.

1. Cancel One Subscription

I’m willing to bet you have at least one subscription that you don’t use or have forgotten about. It might be a gym membership, a subscription to a streaming service you hardly use, or a subscription to a magazine you’ve lost interest in.

Look through your bank statement or PayPal statement and find just one subscription that you don’t need anymore. Cancel that subscription straight away.

That way, you’ll free up a certain amount of cash each month that you can use toward paying off debt or building up your savings (see below).

2. Budget for Just One Thing

It can feel overwhelming to set up a budget for every area of your spending. You’d need several hours to look at your bank account(s), categorize your…



Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of and, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.