How to Learn a Language: 8 Manageable Steps

Tips from a language teacher

Shaira Kadir
Small Steps


Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

Learning a new language can feel like a daunting task. There isn’t a single best way to learn a language because we all have our unique interests and styles of learning. But here are eight steps, based on my experience as a language teacher, which you might find useful.

1. Set Clear and Realistic Goals

Before you start, ask yourself why you want to learn your target language. Set small, specific but realistic goals for the next three to six months.

These goals should be unique to your interests and circumstances. Don’t be too ambitious — otherwise, you’ll set yourself up for failure.

2. Work Out What Your Daily Practice Will Look Like

Consistency is key to successful language learning. My most successful students made sure they practiced every day.

But only you know your schedule and how much time you can comfortably allocate to practicing daily.

It’s better to spend 20 minutes every day rather than a 2-hour learning session once or twice a week.

Decide where and when you’ll practice. Some people with busy schedules make time for language learning during their…



Shaira Kadir
Small Steps

Freelance writer and teacher based in London, England. Writing about memory, nostalgia, popular culture, family, loss, and grief.