How to Make Your Dreams Come True

Create the Life You Want in 6 Small Steps

Roz Andrews
Small Steps


What would you like to do with the rest of your life? Would you like to write a novel, become a digital nomad, or develop a business that you’re passionate about?

Or there might be smaller things you’d like to do, such as traveling to a particular country, going on a retreat, or trying yoga, Pilates or another type of exercise.

When you think about your goals, especially the bigger, long-term ones, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and tempted to think you’ll never be able to achieve them.

The good news is that it’s possible to reach all your goals, although it may take a lot of time and consistent effort to achieve the larger ones.

Here’s how to achieve any goal, large or small, in six small steps.

1. Write the Goal Down

If a goal is floating around in your head, it’s all to easy to say, “I’ll do it tomorrow” or “Maybe I’ll have time to do it in future.”

But somehow you never get around to it.

When you write the goal down, it becomes more concrete and you start to think, “Yes, I could do that!”

2. Brainstorm the Way Forward



Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of and, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.