How to Move Forward on the Road to Success

Don’t let these things get in your way!

Roz Andrews
Small Steps


Photo by YURI MANEI from

Whether you’re building a business, looking for a new job, losing weight or developing good habits, it’s important to keep moving forward by taking one step at a time.

However, there are several things that can stop you from moving forward — or delay your progress.

Here’s how to recognize and deal with these factors as soon as they arise, so you move past them as quickly as possible.

1. Self-doubt

Self-doubt whispers in your ear, saying you’re not good enough. Self-doubt tells you you’ll never succeed so what’s the point in trying? Self-doubt tells you other people are much better than you.

We all have moments of self-doubt. Some people have more than others.

Don’t worry when you feel self-doubt. In fact, be happy because it’s a sign that you’re about to move forward. You wouldn’t be doubting yourself if you were doing something inside your comfort zone!

So, take that small step despite your self-doubt. Despite that annoying voice in your head telling you’re not good enough.

You are good enough just as you are, because you’re an individual who has a unique combination of talents, skills and…



Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of and, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.