How To Thrive in the World of AI? (We Can BRAVE It!)

5 strategies to future-proof your work even with AI as competition

Sonia Sant
Small Steps


Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

Prominent mathematician and AI specialist Ben Herzel has warned that 80% of human jobs can be made obsolete just with today’s levels of AI.

Can AI replace me? Are job losses inevitable?

It is not uncommon to have these questions and feelings of worry.

The rapid adoption of generative AI and tools like ChatGPT has so roiled the system that some want to put a 6-month pause on them.

Can we stop progress? Not really.

In the early 19th century, English textile workers protested against weaving machines because they threatened to replace their jobs. They even attacked a factory and destroyed the machines. But, the machines have prevailed.

So, what to do to keep progressing our profession?

What we need is a strategic system and not stress.

In my 30 years of professional life, I have used a system containing five strategies to grasp transformation and BRAVE it. In the constantly evolving AI ecosystem, this system might be useful for you as well, if you would like to risk-proof your path.

Let’s BRAVE it.

Strategy 1. B — Be curious and open-minded

Staying open-minded and cognizant of the latest trends is fundamental to successfully navigating the AI world!

Whenever a new technology or trend emerges, I take the time to understand what it is and how it’s being used. And to find out if it can impact my current tasks.

When faced with doubt and insecurity, relevant facts provide clarity and calm. This helps us to take an informed action.

Two years into my first job in the process industry, progression was slow. I faced three choices: stagnate, complain, or act.

Sensing the booming software industry, I chose to take action. I learned to program, attended courses, and mastered VB and a few other languages.Being open to joining a start-up that valued attitude and basic programming skills, I embraced transformation.

As Victor Kiam said, “Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.”

By recognizing that adaptation is a constant in every aspect of life, I made that my practice and thrived in my new roles.

What about AI? Experimenting with ChatGPT and other AI platforms is helping me be relevant.

Now, I develop learning products that incorporate AI to promote higher-level problem-solving.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with the AI-buzz, try to gather factual information about it. Here are some things you can do:

  • Gain knowledge about AI through e-learning on LinkedIn. Instead of worrying, comprehend the technology and changes.
  • Examine AI’s influence on industries and jobs. Attend webinars or conferences for insights. For instance, I am attending webinars to assimilate AI’s impact on customer service and marketing.
  • Focus on your own field and tap relevant tools, such as CANVA and
  • Experiment with ChatGPT. Use it to perform your regular work. Observe its limitations and compare its output with your own.

Making empowered decisions is probable when you have verifiable information.

Strategy 2. R — Responsibility for your growth

Investing in our professional advancement is essential for evolving on our occupational journey. Once we have access to factual data, it makes it easy to take ownership to move our life goals forward.

I seek out novel experiences for staying ahead in my work.

I have moved from mainframes to traditional computer-based training (CBT) to e-learning and designing my own frameworks by acquiring additional skills or by working on projects. Taking charge of advancing my abilities was evident to me.

As a Learning & Development (L&D) leader, I also saw it as my obligation to identify trends that affected both in my organization. And to propose solutions for the workforce to keep pace with the evolving developments. Making them aware of the upcoming direction and opening their minds to it.

In spite of AI’s potential to disrupt human jobs, it’s equally important for us to find ways to harness it for our benefit.

For example, in my role as an L&D leader coach, I’m aware that there are already several wellbeing apps that act as coaches. So, what do we do? I’ve integrated these into my practice, combining personal 1-on-1 sessions with ongoing app support. When it involves multiple people or needs a more tailored approach, I step in.

It’s possible that apps will eventually catch up, but for now, I have accepted the fact that I will have to be braver and faster than I have been.

If you wish to own your progress, look into these:

  • Allocate time to pursue learning, such as online certifications.
  • Create a plan that outlines how to achieve your goals and the skills you need to obtain first.
  • Strive to discover your own answers and the path ahead.

Strategy 3. A — Acquire a diverse skillset

Constantly gaining and expanding your knowledge helps to broaden your range of skills and provides paths for career advancement. I do this by identifying complementary skills that can enhance my current expertise.

This makes me more versatile in my role. A varied set of skills also positions me for multiple career and business opportunities.

For me, I leverage content marketing models, which are close to L&D’s content creation, increasing the consumption of content.

“The more you learn, the more you earn.” — Warren Buffett

In addition, I also learn a skill every year. In this year, I took training on how to utilize Medium, LinkedIn, and Twitter to grow my trade.

Are you wondering how cross-skilling helps? So, I was given high-priority projects, which led to better roles and options. The same goes for getting unique projects in my entrepreneurial endeavour.

Acquire a broad range of skills by trying these steps:

  • Find similar segments and industries to your current situation and adapt concepts from them.
  • Consider a posting to another department or collaborating with another solopreneur.
  • Seek out fresh experiences that focus on real-world projects and emerging technologies.

A good practice is to choose skills and capabilities in line with your values and interests. This helps you to see a return on your investment.

Strategy 4. V — Value creation and relationship building

“The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer.” — Peter Drucker

In an AI-driven environment, differentiating yourself with a strong value proposition is crucial if you want to thrive.

I use tools, such as GPT, to increase my productivity and spend more time on creative problem solving. In this manner, I am able to give more benefits to my customers.

Whenever I deliver workshops or present online courses, I make sure to stay accessible post-session. Customers appreciate it if you listen to their needs and address their queries.

I have created solutions for stakeholders, despite stretching resources. By providing expert advice, I become their trusted adviser.

I believe that we’re less likely to be replaced if we have a strong value proposition and build trusted relationships.

To formulate a compelling pitch, you may consider trying these:

  • Validate the emotions of your clients to create a strong emotional connection and build trust.
  • Continue support even after a project or initiative has ended. This fosters long-term relationships and loyalty.
  • Celebrate your clients’ achievements, showing appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

Strategy 5. E — Embrace ideas and adapt from different fields

Exploring other industries and how they approach their work can provide valuable insights for your own field. Personally, I’ve found great success in adapting processes from different areas.

If you are keen to lead, give this approach a shot.

“Creativity is connecting things.” — Steve Jobs

I have adopted models from marketing to measure the effectiveness of training programs. This led to a unique data model, the first of its kind. I now train other professionals on how to use these analytics.

It is like creating a fusion food recipe.

You might try some of these actions to mix principles from diverse fields:

  • Collaborate with professionals from different domains to learn from their experiences and perspectives.
  • Read books or listen to podcasts on various subjects to expand your horizons and gain new insights.
  • Connect with people from various backgrounds and professions to discover wisdom and potential for innovation.

Adapting viewpoints from various areas enables you to foster an environment of continuous development.

How do you manage being relevant in your field? I’d be eager to gain insight from what you share.


Here are the 5 components of the BRAVE system. Some of these practices may help you cope with an uncertain future caused by AI.

1. B — Be Curious and open-minded

2. R — Responsibility for your growth

3. A- Acquire a diverse skillset

4. V — Value creation and relationship building

5. E — Embrace ideas and adapt from different fields

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Sonia Sant
Small Steps

A Curious learning leader. I write about elevating learning design, mindset, personal growth, and wellbeing with speed and empathy.