I’m Making Just One Intention This Year

It replaces resolutions and comes before goals

Roz Andrews
Small Steps


We all know it’s hard to keep New Year’s resolutions. We’ve all done it and failed, usually by the second or third week of January.

In view of this, I’ve set goals rather than resolutions in recent years. But, this year, I’ve decided to set just one intention to guide my year.

In yoga class, we usually set an intention for our practice and are encouraged to set intentions for our daily life. I’ve found intentions to be very powerful — if you follow them with action.

So, my intention for 2020 will be present in my life every day. It will guide my thoughts and behavior. It is not a resolution or goal but a way of thinking and living.

I will still set and work towards goals but I will put my intention first every day. Then, I’ll take steps towards achieving my goals. That way, I’ll feel less pressure, less self-criticism and enjoy life more.

My intention for 2020 is to be kind to myself.

Have you set any intentions, goals or resolutions for 2020?



Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of www.rawritersforhire.com and www.medium.com/small-steps, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.