Is Your Aura in Need of a Boost? 4 Ways to Recharge It

Remove energy blocks to feel good

Colleen M. Story
Small Steps


Photo courtesy dlsd cgl via Pixabay.

Do you know how you can be around an energetic person and soon find that you’re feeling more energetic yourself?

Or how you can be around a negative person and soon find your energy sagging so that you’re feeling tired?

It seems each of us exudes an energy or “aura” everywhere we go. We’re like suns — some days, we’re bright and cheery and our rays make everyone else feel good.

On other days, we’re covered with clouds, and the people around us long to retreat indoors.

How can you make sure your energy is fully charged?

What exactly is an aura?

As to what an “aura” is, exactly, there is no one definition. Most would agree that it has to do with our “energy.”

But what energy are we talking about?

You can think of an aura as a field of energy surrounding your body that may be affected by your mood, emotional state, physical wellness, personality characteristics, and even your spiritual well-being.

We humans can detect this energy field from other humans and even from animals. We don’t necessarily see it with our eyes (though some people say they can see…



Colleen M. Story
Small Steps

Colleen M. Story is a novelist, freelance writer, and speaker with over 25 years in the creative writing industry. See