It’s Wednesday, Now What?

7 Ways to Get Moving Every Morning


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It’s so easy to smash the snooze button over and over when you’re tired in the morning.

Believe me, I get it.

Whether you slept well or not, life can be draining and sometimes it can be pretty difficult to get up and moving.

I know some people that seem to be immune from ever getting tired … but that’s just not me.

Do you know anyone like that?

If I said I wasn’t jealous of them, I’d be lying. It must be nice.

For the rest of us, self improvement is hard work.
We have to find a way to drag our carcasses out of bed and attack the day.

I’m by no means a sleep expert but I have discovered some helpful actions in the past three years or so and I’d like to give you some advice.

I’ve been suffering from some chronic health issues, and this has forced me to seriously up my morning routine game.

And believe me … it has not been easy.

With my writer’s life, it’s crucial to get after it early or the whole day seems to vanish in a blink. And that means little to no writing.

No bueno.



Brett Anderson - I do writing and business stuff
Small Steps

I write about solutions to people problems, business, and famous people problems. Writing about famous people problems makes me feel better about my own life.