Limiting Scope to Declutter Your Home

Increasing efficiency by paring down

Jaylen Kade
Small Steps


Photo by vuk burgic on Unsplash

My sister came through for a short visit this week. I wanted my room to be clean and presentable for her arrival. With two short hours, I made more progress on my room than I have in the two months I have been living here.

By limiting the scope on when I would work on the project of my room (the two hours preceding my sister’s arrival) and which parts of my room I would deep-tackle first, I was able to make my bedroom the most functional personal space I have had in more than 7 years.

From one of the many cleaning-oriented self-help books I have read, I picked up a habit of filling boxes and bins with unfinished projects. I latched onto this idea of collecting all the things which need to be done and putting them in one organized place.

The second, more important part of this idea is to go through the box weekly and complete the projects so there is constant circulation within the box. With this system, unfinished projects go in the box to keep everything organized and in a dedicated place until you have time to finish the projects, and then the box is empty again.

Instead, I have moved my box across the country multiple times. The contents are the same as they were when I originally implemented this method of…



Jaylen Kade
Small Steps

Twenty-something. Writing to learn the best ways of thinking, growing, and living.