Mindful Eating: Simple Hacks for Optimal Digestion

How, when, and what to eat for your best health

Small Steps


Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

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You are what you eat.

Nutrition is your first defense against all diseases and health issues. And your mindset and attitude around eating are equally as important as what you actually eat.

Unhealthy foods such as fast food and sugary snacks may seem more appealing because they taste good and are quick, convenient, and easy to reach for. But real, whole foods, fruits, and vegetables are healthier options.

Every bite of food can naturally heal and fuel your body. Once you understand how important your nutrition is to your health, you can create easy hacks and plan ahead to help you achieve the goal of making better food choices.

5 Steps to Improve Your Health:

Step 1 — Remove the junk food from your house

If junk food is there, you will eat it! Don’t buy things that no longer serve you in a healthy way. Don’t even allow them in your home.

Step 2 — Add in the good stuff



Small Steps

Jesus follower. Herbalist. Mental, physical, spiritual health. Natural, holistic living. Intentional & autism parenting. Family, trauma, boundaries, healing.