Simple Ways to Improve Your Brain’s Health

Follow these tips to boost your brain — and your body!

Vic Womersley
Small Steps


I’ve never been a huge fan of exercise. For me, the health of my brain is a bigger priority. But if you look after your brain, your body benefits too.

A healthy brain relies on a well-functioning body. And vice versa — looking after one means you’re looking after the other. You might call it a win/win situation. I think of it more as a knock-on effect. Because I have made changes to take better care of the ol’ grey matter, I’m physically fitter than I’ve ever been before.

Below are some of the simple practices I keep to ensure my brain’s health.

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash

1. Sleep

As essential to our health as food and water, sleep often gets pushed aside for other things. Our body definitely needs it, but arguably, our brain needs it even more. Everyone knows that without enough sleep it’s hard to think, regulate our emotions, or responses in stressful situations.

There’s a bunch of research showing not enough sleep has adverse effects on our physical health. We court cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and obesity if we skimp on shut-eye.

It’s pretty grim for our brain too. A small study by a group at Tel Aviv University…



Vic Womersley
Small Steps

I’m a freelance writer using Medium to explore ideas that interest me. I hope they interest you too. Get in touch here: