The Game of Life

A poem I wrote while journaling

Roz Andrews
Small Steps


Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash

Life is a game,

Keep ahead of it if you can,

Deal with everything life throws your way,


With good humour.

When life knocks you down,

Get up for the next round,

Whether it’s round two or 502.

Never give up!

Rest a little,

But carry on,

No matter what.

Learn, laugh, love,

Be 1% better every day.

Enjoy the small things:

Time spent with loved ones -

They won’t be here forever.

Neither will you.

One day, you’ll be gone

Without warning.

And the game will be over.

Or will it?

Copyright © Roz Andrews 2024

I wrote this poem recently during a journaling session. I was amazed at how easily the words flowed from my mind onto the page. Have you had a similar experience of writing poetry spontaneously while journaling?

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Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of and, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.