The Power of Speaking Your Truth

🄿ixel 🄵loyd
Small Steps
Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2023


“Say what you have to say, not what you ought. Any truth is better than make-believe.” — Henry David Thoreau

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

In this article, I’ll explore the importance of authenticity through four key realizations that have profoundly impacted my life.

Henry David Thoreau’s quote speaks a powerful message about having the courage and conviction to speak your truth, even if it goes against the grain. This message resonates deeply with me, especially after years of wrestling with my own identity in both my personal life and career.

My Early Struggles with Authenticity

I vividly remember an evening at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company. I was out with my then-girlfriend (now wife) and some coworkers. Across from our table sat the parents of a coworker, who curiously asked what I did for a living. I was a Learning Center Manager at that time, supporting faculty with educational technology. Though I had grown into that role through experience and passion, I always felt insecure about needing a technical background.

Realization 1: Speak Your Own Truth

On impulse, I had often told people that I had a programming background — anything to make myself feel more qualified. But that night, I made a different choice. I spoke my truth about my humanities background and my journey supporting faculty at Valencia College.

Realization 2: Any Truth From Within is Better Than Make-Believe

The moment I chose to speak my truth, it felt as if I had set down the immense burden depicted on the cover of Atlas Shrugged. I was transformed — instantly lighter, as agile as a dancer and as expressive as an artist living inside out.

Realization 3: Don’t Conform Your Voice to Satisfy Others

To my surprise, the parents of my coworker acknowledged how my humanities background could benefit me in my role, aiding my communication and creativity. This validation was enlightening.

Realization 4: You Make It By Embracing Your Authentic Self

Fast forward to today, and I find myself living a rewarding life, successfully blending my love for humanities, philosophy, science, and technology in my role as an Instructional Designer for Valencia College.

Integrating My Truths and Moving Forward

This journey towards authenticity has had ups and downs. I once lied about having a programming degree, an awkward experience that motivated me to stop bending my reality to fit expectations. But the four realizations above have paved the way for me to integrate my truths and values into a fulfilling life and career.

What About You?

May we all find the courage to embrace our inner truths. What’s one step you can take today to let your authentic self shine through? What has held you back from being your true self?

I invite you to start an authenticity journal to explore these questions further. The freedom, fulfillment, and connection it brings will be worth the vulnerability.

Starting Your Journey to Authenticity

To kickstart your own exploration, consider using the following Persona Starter / Journal Prompt titled “Your Authentic Self”:

  1. Name (or username): [Your choice; could be a real name or pseudonym]
  2. Current Role/Occupation: [Briefly describe what you do]
  3. Core Beliefs: [List 2–3 values or principles important to you]
  4. Something I Struggle With: [Describe one area where you find it challenging to be your authentic self]
  5. What Would Authenticity Look Like for Me?: [Envision a moment where you are fully authentic; what are you doing, who are you with, how do you feel?]
  6. One Step I Can Take Towards Authenticity: [Identify a concrete action you can take to move closer to your authentic self]
  7. A Quote That Resonates With Me: [Share a quote that aligns with your quest for authenticity]

You can fill this out as your first journal entry on a platform like, a simple Google Doc, or even a piece of paper and comfy pen. You could also use this persona starter if you’re conversing with a platform like ChatGPT. The key is consistency and sincere reflection.

Additional Resources

If you’re looking for professional guidance, consider speaking to a psychotherapist. And never underestimate the restorative power of a nature walk to clear your mind and reaffirm your commitment to living authentically.

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🄿ixel 🄵loyd
Small Steps

"Dad. Designer & gamer. 🧠+🏋️. Real & diverse. Existentialist (Kierkegaardian). #JourneyWithin #Philosophy #LeapsOfFaith"