3 Phrases to Change Your Perspective

Simple quotes to encourage you to build a better life

Vic Womersley
Small Steps


Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

I’m not a big one for inspirational quotes. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy reading and hearing words of encouragement, I just don’t remember specific quotes or who they are attributed to.

Even so, there are three particular phrases that have shaped how I live my life and who I am today. Sometimes these phrases run through my head like a mantra, driving me on or providing comfort during dark times.

Other times they are simply words that I endeavor to live by. In doing so, I hope to create a happier life, with more fulfilling relationships and beautiful experiences. So, without further ado, here are the three phrases that have helped me get to where I am today.

“This too shall pass.”

Most often this quote runs through my head as “Nothing lasts forever”. It began decades ago when my Mum walked out on my Dad. That was a pretty tough time for me and my siblings; the pain was hot and sharp. Some days were difficult to get through, with the lump of abandonment sitting in my throat and chest. A pain that seemed impossible to shift.

Eventually, it lessened and became more bearable. “Nothing lasts forever” reminded me that the pain of being abandoned is impermanent…



Vic Womersley
Small Steps

I’m a freelance writer using Medium to explore ideas that interest me. I hope they interest you too. Get in touch here: vicwomersley@gmail.com